Hail to the computer!
Your screen, it shines night and day
A beacon of yellow and bluish light
That strains the eyes
And draws the mind
And tells us,
“I will never leave you,
And you should never leave me.”
O computer, of thee we sing!
We sing praises to your processor,
Dual-core and contained inside.
We raise toasts to your memory,
Only read and randomly accessed,
Without which we would be lost
And confused
And unable to play Starcraft
Or make spreadsheets.
We dance the foxtrot to your modem.
Computer, thy star shines bright!
Oh how we gaze upon your browser
That helps us explore the internet,
That chrome-colored opera of fire and
foxes on safari
That leads us to greener pastures of
Electronic mail and electronic commerce
To tumble and stumble upon
Forums and Facebooks
Where the virtues of nettiquette are
And then ignored.
Tell, O Muse, of the wonders of
Without thee we could never do our
Without thee our work could finally get
Without thee how else would we watch
Without paying fourteen bucks in a
smelly theater
I mean I'm not made of money and it
Like a zillion dollars I mean come on
Who's gonna care if I just open up
Pirate Bay
Or U Torrent for just a moment
Seriously dude how bad could it be.
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