Friday, July 27, 2012

The Poet's Diary

7:00 am: Woke up. Brushed teeth, shaved.
7:05 am: Fell back asleep.
8:14 am: Woke up. Showered, put on bathrobe. Went downstairs. Brewed coffee. Waited.
8:29 am: Poured coffee, sat down in chair on the porch.  Watched the birds.
8:34 am: Saw a cardinal. Bright red, bigger than some of the others.  It's a very lovely color.
8:35 am: Realized that 'cardinal' both describes the bird and the color. Wondered for a while which terminology came first.  Both seem equally likely.  The vivid hue would be the perfect way to describe the bird, despite the females not sharing it.  But the bird would also be the perfect way to describe the color, since nature makes it almost unique to the bird.  An interesting question indeed.
8:38 am: Prominent bishops in the Catholic church are also called Cardinals.  This is getting confusing.
8:40 am: A gold finch flew by.  I don't see many of those out here any more.
8:45 am: Cardinal can also refer to directions and numbers. Threw coffee mug at bird in frustration.
8:46 am: Went inside to get more coffee in a different mug.  Made note to buy another.
8:50 am: Got dressed in comfortable working clothes. Dark to hide ink stains.
9:00 am: Sat down to write first poem of the day.
9:30 am: The paper is blank. Can't stop thinking about cardinal.
9:33 am: Found cardinal in dictionary.  "of prime importance; chief; principle." That doesn't help at all.
10:03 am: Gave up on both poem and cardinal.  Needed inspiration.  Put on hat and jacket, walked to library.
10:44 am: Found book by Billy Collins. Good poet. Writes very naturally.
11:30 am: Read entire book.  Very short.  Very depressing.  Not used to Collins being so sad, not that you could often describe him as happy.  Still can't think of poem.
11:40 am: Went for walk to be inspired or to clear my head.  Honestly, either works.
11:45 am: Saw a cardinal. Now they're just mocking me.
12:15 pm: Stopped at a cafe for a scone and some black tea. The poet's natural habitat.
12:22 pm: Inspiration strikes.  Wrote poem.  Page and a half long.  Kept writing and writing.
12:24 pm: Put away notebook. Kept thinking about poem. Finished my scone.  Cinnamon Chip.  Delicious, but dry.
12:29 pm: Left cafe. Something nagging mind.
12:35 pm: Decided to have second look at poem.  Took out notebook.  It's bright red.  Contemplated.
12:37 pm: Decided it was not quite the right shade of red to be Cardinal.  Opened notebook.
12:40 pm: Read and reread poem.  Not so sure about it now.  Put notebook away.
12:44 pm: Headed home.
12:46 pm: Stopped at a pond on the way.  Admired its natural beauty. Thought about poem.
12:54 pm: Took out notebook again.
1:04 pm: I hate this poem.
1:05 pm: Tore out of notebook. Crumpled. Lit crumple on fire. Threw in pond. Headed home.
1:29 pm: Got home, sat down in front of paper.
1:30 pm: Previous poem was a masterpiece. What was I thinking.
1:34 pm: Tried to remember it and rewrite it.
1:46 pm: Wrote this instead.  

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